LightBox ASTM E1527-21
Survey Summary Report

Q2 2022

LightBox ASTM E1527-21 Survey Summary Report

By LightBox Insights

The LightBox ASTM Survey Summary report is the industry’s first look into how environmental professionals are responding to the new ASTM Phase I ESA standard. This survey summary includes the latest data on adoption to date, and how Phase I ESA providers are preparing for implementation of the new standard practice, including the specific changes being made to data requirements, best practices, and report formats.

Key Findings

    • At the time the survey was conducted in late February/early March, 21% of EPs were following it exclusively, and another 10% were leaving it up to their clients to choose between -13 and -21.
    • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) official recognition of the E1527-21 standard as compliant with All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI) under CERCLA will be a major pivot point toward more widespread adoption.
    • Traditionally, lenders have driven adoption of a new version of the ASTM E1527 standard, and the results suggest that is the case today. Outside of some lenders, EPs report that most clients are either not yet aware of the -21 standard or are aware but waiting for the EPA to recognize it as AAI-compliant.
    • During the interim period before the EPA rule’s effective date, respondents are more focused on preparing their internal teams and adjusting processes and report templates than they are on educating their clients about the changes.
    • In response to growing attention on the risk of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), the survey results paint a picture of an industry expecting more client requests to add PFAS risk assessments to the Scope of Work for Phase I ESAs.

LightBox ASTM E1527-21 Survey Video


Get The Full Report

 We are closely following E1527-21, as well as including in proposals and reports that our Phase I ESAs are -21 and -13 compliant, and AAI-compliant. We will switch to exclusively referencing the -21 standard once the EPA recognizes it as AAI-compliant. 

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