LightBox Data

LightBox Address Data

Complete address data down to the building level curated from 1000s of data sources to bring the most accurate address data source available


LightBox Address Data offers the most precise and up-to-date address information available. Our data is essential for real estate professionals, urban planners, developers, and researchers who require accurate addresses for properties, ensuring efficient workflows and informed decision-making. Addressing is a key component in any property-centric database, and data enrichment typically starts with a single address.

High accuracy and comprehensive coverage

Regular updates to ensure current information

Detailed address data for various applications

Our Coverage

LightBox provides 100% nationwide address coverage.

Features and Benefits


Our data includes verified address points for hundreds of millions of properties, ensuring accuracy and reliability for geocoding and mapping applications.


Integration of data from thousands of sources, including postal records, property databases, E911 and local jurisdictions, provides a comprehensive address dataset.


Access detailed address information, including primary and secondary addresses down to the unit level, ensuring you have the most granular data available for precise location-based analyses.

High-precision geocoding capabilities enable accurate location-based analyses and mapping.

Access LightBox Address Data

Bulk Data Downloads

Download large datasets in various formats, including CSV, SHP, and FGDB, to suit your needs.

API Access

Access our address data seamlessly through the LightBox API. Integrate our address data into your applications and workflows with ease.

LightBox Vision

Within LightBox Vision, users can search or click on specific addresses and find out information related to that address including last transaction, owner information, building attributes and much more.

LightBox Feature Service 

Leverage our Feature Service to access address data dynamically within your GIS applications. Visualize and query address data in real-time and make sure you are always working with the most up to date data.