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How to quickly clean up your CRM software

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LightBox Insights
September 9, 2021 3 mins

Cleaning up your commercial real estate CRM software may not be one of your weekly tasks, but it should be. Your CRM (customer relationship manager) is one of the most vital tools you’ll use in your business every day and by ensuring that the data is correct, you can more efficiently follow up with clients and close more deals. Here’s how to quickly clean up your CRM software:

Reduce useless info

Your CRM probably contains contact entries that are incomplete, generic or irrelevant. This is clutter that will definitely weigh you down over time. Most of the time you’re moving too fast, and the idea that incomplete information will somehow be valuable in the future is a fallacy. Don’t be a data hoarder. Get rid of it. Clean up your CRM by deleting all of this useless data, so that you declutter your CRM and ensure that every piece of data is useful. By going through your CRM data, you may discover information you had forgotten about.

Get rid of duplicates

There is a good chance you’ve had to muster through duplicate entries in your CRM. By eliminating these duplicate entries from your CRM, or ensuring they don’t happen in the first place, you won’t have to deal with the headache that sifting through multiple entries can cause. Don’t spend time contacting the same person twice and risk looking as if you aren’t organized. This is especially true if you’re sharing your CRM with other people.

Keep it simple

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that the more fields you have filled out, the better informed you will be. Many commercial real estate brokers make the mistake of thinking that they need to add every single detail about a prospect or client possible into their CRM. If your CRM data entries are unnecessarily detailed, this can cause confusion and clutter. As you make a weekly cleanup of your CRM a habit, keep an eye out for data fields that don’t enrich your client interactions or your business’ bottom line.

Call old contacts

Take a look through your contacts and flag old accounts that have not been contacted in the past year or so. This is the perfect time to re-connect and eliminate any contacts that are no longer relevant to your business. Not only will you reestablish lines of communication with previous clients, but you’ll also help clear out any old contact records that are of no use to your business.

Your weeks are incredibly busy with meetings, paperwork, deals to close and plenty of other events popping up every single day, but it’s important that you carve out time to keep your CRM clean. The time you may waste sifting through duplicate entries or attempting to digest information in countless fields, could be spent on connecting with clients and closing more deals. This is why you should make it a priority to clean up your CRM every week. Once you get the hang of it, you shouldn’t require more than 15 minutes a week.

Connect with us at LightBox ClientLook® to learn how our CRM software can help with your marketing efforts and to generate more leads. Contact us today to schedule a demo.

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