Real Estate Investors

Introducing a new platform to give investors an underwriting and deal management edge

Proven management tools and powerful data come together in one platform to improve how you source, underwrite and close deals

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Key Benefits

Investing in CRE is a process fraught with redundancies & inefficiencies. We are setting out to change that. Our vision is to create a system that will revolutionize the process of investing.

Count On A Proven Leader

LightBox brings $1Billion in assets to the market every day. Powered by LightBox RCM, we bring 50% of deals over $10M to the market. Our client base spans the industry, and we service every major sector in CRE.

Make Faster Underwriting Decisions

With our supply of listings through RCM, you have more deals in front of you. Plus, you get the tools to make quicker, more confident pass/underwrite choices.

Improve The Underwriting Process

This platform offers access to our unmatched land, financial, climate, environmental & demographic data reports to help you make more informed decisions.

Profit From One Integrated Integrated Online Platform

It’s designed to increase speed, access, and security in addition to cutting back on inefficiencies and redundancies.

Easily Create Research Reports & Investment Decks

Our data is your data. Easily export any of our reports to Excel or PDF, or connect with your own model via our custom API.

The First End To End CRE Program

Keep an eye out for future releases that integrate with lenders and third parties To make the entire process seamless, from sourcing to close.